Wednesday, October 9, 2013

the beginning

Call me Ishmael.

Ouf, how do you get a first line like that? It is perfect. I have a hundred different "first lines" saved up, all for different books that might never get written. But for this book, the one that actually has a bit of a vague shape (but at least it is a shape!), there is none. For now, I guess we just need to focus on our outline and figuring out how to get the story we want to tell into an actual "story" format. Maybe the first line can wait for later.


A few weeks ago Miss B and I started talking about the book we want to write together. We've got the parameters down (kind of), some characters (ish), and a story idea (we think).

Over the course of our friendship we've had a lot of adventures together. We've jumped on trains. We've had our fights. We've had hysterical moments. We've moved to different countries. We've been roommates. We've talked every day. We've gone months without a phone call. We've followed our dreams. We've grown up a bit. And now we're undertaking an experiment.

So welcome to our blog. We hope you enjoy reading about our first steps into the world of writing.